Thursday, June 25, 2009

Add it to the list...

The resulting guilt as tears stream down his sweet little face while you rush to splash water on the red splotches will haunt you for days, maybe even weeks. Believe me, I know.


Kelly Jernigan said...

Don't beat yourself up over it - the way I look at these things is that they only have to happen once, then you will always think of it when you are at the playground. At least this is how I make myself feel better for our often daily mishaps!! :)

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

Oh Abby, I'm so sorry. That makes me want to fix you some hot chocolate and rub your head. You poor Mama.

How is Linus?

Miche said...

Oh! Don't beat yourself up; accidents happen and I'm sure he's not hurt. Though he may not want to slide for awhile-trust me, we've done it, too :) I'm pretty sure the"hot slide" accident happens to every parent at some point!