Well, I finally did it. Okay, so I've done it a few times already but not as openly. That's right, I breastfed in public. At a Starbucks even. *gasp*
I know, I know, many moms out there have been around the block and back on this front before. But not me, so bear with me.
Since Linus is my first baby, I have been pretty shy about breastfeeding anywhere. Usually, I'll find the nursing room at the mall, linger in the car, or pack a pumped bottle. I do admire those moms who defend it as natural and are comfortable nursing anywhere. I, however, remained a closeted breastfeeding mommy.
Now in all honesty, I didn't end up in the situation at Starbucks today intentionally. I hadn't planned on making my debut. It just happened.
Linus awoke this morning to nurse at 6:30, ate a solid meal at 7:45, and then went down for a nap at 8:30. Normally, he nurses every 3 hours but today he slept right through the expected 9:30 feed. When he awoke at 10:30, I quickly changed, dressed, and stuffed him in the car seat because I had a coffee date at 11:00. Only as I was pulling into the parking lot did it hit me, Linus hadn't eaten. At this point in time, I was already running behind so I didn't want to turn around and drive 10 minutes back to the house. I mean, what would Al Gore think of me just driving all over town?!?!
So, I did what any eco-minded, wanna-be-green Mommy would do... I whipped it out.
Of course, I situated myself in a cushy wing chair in the back corner, and I faced away from the other patrons. I'm not ready to feed him in line while ordering my tall-decaf-nonfat-white-chocolate-mocha-WITH-whip.
Easy Sheet Cake Recipes
10 months ago
Congratulations, you've taken that first step. Some day, I will show you Marissa's nursing tour of Disney :-).
Way to go! I have breastfed in all kinds of places: restaurant booths, poolside, airplanes/airports, the kangaroo exhibit at the zoo, and, now--the beach! But I am mostly closeted as well. My main issue is that Lily is not a "modest" nurser. She tends to pull away a lot, leaving me out in the open. Plus, she is just so easily distracted unless we are in a quiet place. I found, though, that once I had been "baptised," as you say, it became a lot easier. I'm with you, though, I'm pretty discreet in public. No whipping it out in front of a crowd for me!
LOVE it! Congrats on your baptism :) And I am sure you have made Al Gore very proud!!!
Twitter tells me you're wearing Linus? Did you get that awesome sling? That looked cool.
I love those townhouse things - we're going to try to live there I think. Hooray!
I did get a sling... but not the one at Red Hen. I got one from nestbabyslings.com for 1/2 the price of the one we looked at. I'll try to get a picture posted tomorrow. I'm loving it!!
This is great! There is always a first time and before long you'll think nothing of it! : )
You even have me as a witness!
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