I guess that's pretty much how you can sum up the first month of my dear sweet Edison's life.
Holding my breath... after Edison received a "Refer" rather than a "Pass" on her newborn infant hearing screening.
Holding my breath... waiting for both Edison and I to get past the cold that won't quit.
Holding my breath... hoping I don't fall into the depths of postpartum depression.
Holding my breath... hoping she doesn't suffer the colic that her brother did (and what might have increased that postpartum depression.)
Holding my breath... waiting for someone, anyone really, to reach out and offer help or support.
And now, holding my breath... wondering what life will bring for a little girl who will likely need to wear a hearing aid for the rest of her life.
Holding my breath...
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10 months ago
abby, just breathe, in your nose and out your mouth, its simple and reminds us we are alive. you are so lucky for your family, colds and all, Edison will shine in her own ways, we are all so different and alike at the same time.
I would echo Coco's writing above. It seems trite to say "one day (or hour) at a time", but I'll bet that is what you are doing. I am thankful that you live in a region where resources are likely available for Edison. Please write more!
Wishing our timing was a little better so we could be more helpful for you guys - your support was wonderful when Evelyn was tiny. I think every day about how it feels like I'm underwater and I want to come up for air sometime, so the breath-holding part I understand. It's okay to feel everything you're feeling.
I'll be following your blog. I landed here from Green Girl In Wisconsin.
My daughter is graduating with a degree in Special Ed and Language and Communication Disorders. She has worked with children in her internships that are just getting diagnosed in Kindergarten. It will make such a difference that your baby was diagnosed so early. Early Intervention will be so important.
My daughter also volunteered at a pre-school run by United Cerebral Palsy.They work with a wide variety of issues.65% of their clients do not have CP. She worked in small groups with toddlers and young kids with hearing loss. Their website has a resource page and where to find their affiliates.
Also, my cousin used to be a principal at a school for deaf children. Many had cochlear implants. If you ever want to get in touch with her my email is beetlebabe572000@yahoo.com
I will pray that your daughter will grow and shine and have a happy life.
Will keep you and your Edison in prayer. For what it's worth, my aunt (who was one of those surprise babies born within months of her nieces and nephews) wore hearing aids. It was never really A Thing for any of us. Or for her. She simply had periodic appointments and occasionally needed a new device.
Abby, please breathe. I can't pretend to know what you're going through, but I've been through my own struggles and you have to breathe through it. Know that you have people supporting you and listening to you. Feel free to call or email if you need to.
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