Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Can you say genetically-modified?

There's something wrong with this.

On the left, a strawberry purchased at our local farmer's market. It was grown au naturale. The strawberry on the right was purchased at the grocery store. (Despite my request for organic strawberries, I received these via my online, drive-up collection when the organic were sold-out.)

Notice anything odd? Both are the median size for their package.

I'm pretty sure a pound should not equate nine berries pint of strawberries should not equate six berries* and I'm pretty sure strawberries shouldn't be almost as large as pear.

I'm just saying.

(We didn't eat the mutant berries and unlike the farmer's market variety, they STILL look as fresh as the day we brought them home... over 2 weeks ago. Eww.)

[*Edited 6/1/10 at 1:43PM to reflect actual amount found in purchased container size. I failed to check the container before this post auto-published. Sorry. The original inaccurate text is still shown via a strikethrough.]

1 comment:

Suzanne from pretty*swell said...

Oh my gosh. We ate the mutant berries earlier this spring, before the season here opened up, and they were AWFUL. Waxy and plasticy and just plain scary.

I can't get over your photos! Great post!!