Friday, July 31, 2009

Aw, to be young and in love

The other day we received an invitation in the mail for a 2nd birthday party. It was from one of the little girls in Linus's playgroup. On the invitation was a picture of the honoree.

Since it was Linus's mail, I let him open it. After reading it to him and talking about it, he took invitation in hand and headed to his room. Once in his room, he carefully placed the invitation by his lamp for safe keeping.

Later that day, Linus went over to the invitation, picked it up, said "Katie," and began kissing the picture. Now, every time he sees it, he is sure to give her a few kisses.

I guess the fact that he said her name first of all his friend's has less to do with the ease of pronunciation and more to do with his intentions to woo.

All you daddies better lock your precious little girls up, Don Juan Linus is on the prowl.


Suzi said...

Too cute! Katie blushed when I told her!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. I love little boy affection.

Chele said...

Hello! I find your blog through Type A Mom Conference. Just trying to figure out what it is all about! Thought I would let you know I was here! What a cute story! Sounds like he's a ham! :)

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

Katie is a lucky little girl to hold Linus' affections :)