The Good News: Harris Teeter is the BEST grocery store for customer service. I have never waited in line to check out which is a miracle in itself. Plus, they have this fantastic online shopping thing where for $5 a clerk takes my online list, collects all my groceries, waits for me to pull up and push the button at the appointed time, and loads them in my car. Pretty sweet. Today, though, Linus and I did our own shopping. It went pretty smooth, but during check-out he was starting to get a bit squirmy. It was then that HT took my breath away. The bagger turned to me and said, "Why don't you go get him loaded and pull up front. We'll bring the groceries out and load them in the trunk." I was absolutely dumbfounded. How many grocery stores do you know that do this? At Kroger, I struggle just to locate products, stand in an endless line, load my own groceries, and return my own cart. I swear, I am never shopping at Kroger again. I don't care if it is one of the closest grocery stores. It would have been perfect if not for...
The Bad News: My grocery bill for one week's worth of groceries: $245.00. I swear I felt a little faint while pressing the OK button. I can only pray that it was that much because we will be feeding my husband's entire family for a few days (6 and 1/2 (Linus) people) and not all that price increase stuff I'm hearing about on NPR.
Easy Sheet Cake Recipes
10 months ago
$245 sounds pretty good to me, try feeding two growing 10 year olds!! I will say that you've probably bought ingredients to prepare some nice meals and that does add up. My grocery bill goes up when I "plan" meals, too. Enjoy your week with family!
And that? Is one of the main reasons I'm excited about moving west on 40. I love my Harris Teeter, but they don't do that awesome internet/pick up shopping thing. That is such an awesome service!
Ugh. We have NO really good grocery stores near us. Some are better than others, and Whole Foods is good when I can drive the 35 minutes to get there, but none of our stores sound as nice as your Harris Teeter! None of those here in the Midwest, as you know.
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