Monday, June 09, 2008

Sticky, Sweaty, Free

That's the way it's been around here for a while. We've pretty much cowered indoors. These temperatures are terrible. I really feel like we went from Winter to Summer. Of course, maybe that's because we had our Spring in December.

On another note, I ventured into the world of Freecycling today and I'm loving it. All I do is post information about stuff I don't want anymore but feel too guilty to throw away. And, PRESTO! someone comes and takes it away. It's fabulous. (Thanks to Chelsea who introduced me to it.)

Today, I unloaded some newborn and size 1 disposable diapers that we had gotten as gifts. (Yep, we've been so dedicated to cloth diapering that we had used maybe one or two out of the giant packs.) I've had them just sitting around waiting to hear about someone, anyone who had just had a baby. Put a post up today, heard from several people within 5 minutes, and was rid of them by 5:30. I did the same with some other baby stuff that we don't intend to use if we have another baby. Boy it feels good to have those gone.

Next up, 11 inch square canvases (meant for a never completed apartment project) and a boom box.

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