Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Linus and the Oobleck

Well, tomorrow will be the BIG day. We will be attempting to feed Linus his first solid food. Sadly, it will only be rice cereal. We plan on doing it during our breakfast that way he'll feel like part of the family and because I can still have him in his pajamas (which are due for a wash)and not his outfit for the day.

He's been practicing most of the week by sitting in his booster chair at the table with us during breakfast. Of course, if the rice cereal is anything like the toys he's been playing with at breakfast, it is certain to end up on the floor. Stay tuned...

Oh, in other news, Peabody is currently mourning the loss of his two very dear friends and suffering the indignity of a freshly shaved behind. Of course, we are hoping that this might just reduce the nightly yowling sessions and desperate attempts to tear the curtains off the windows so he can get to the ladies. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

wish we could watch! Should be a fun time for all involved!

Chimpsea said...

ooh yes take a video!