We couldn't have had a more appropriate Earth Day if I had actually planned it. When I woke up yesterday morning, I had a crazy urge to garden. It's not something that happens often, but since Linus was spending the morning at a friend's (part of a trade-off), I decided to actually do something about it.
I purchased a few plants and devised a loose plan while Linus was gone. During nap time, I managed to get my first round of plants in the ground and in pots. Since he was still sleeping, I headed back to the nursery for more. (Daddy, of course, works from home so this is a lucky convenience.)
When I returned home, I was just getting started planting when nap time ended. Instead of stopping, I decided to involve Linus in the project. He moved drainage rocks (for the bottom of my pots), transported potting soil, and dumped filler dirt around plants all with the help of his favorite dump truck. Once everything was planted, he assisted in watering with a mini watering can and hauled away all the plastic pots with his dump truck.
It was only after we were through that it occurred to me that it was Earth Day. Getting fifteen ground covers and two shrubs into the ground, potting annuals, and bringing two Boston ferns into our home definitely seemed a more fitting way of celebrating Earth Day than years past.
How about you? Did you do any planting this Earth Day or is your garden already growing?
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10 months ago
Good for you, Abby! I wish I had a green thumb, but I manage to kill almost everything I plant. My DH is the one who handles the planting. He created us two raised gardens in the back yard a few years ago. We are currently growing strawberries, zucchini, green beans and tomatoes. Plus, we have 2 peach trees that we're hoping to get some good fruit off of this year. The bugs and birds have always beaten us to the punch, but this year Jason used an organic pesticide on the tree, so hopefully we'll get a taste of that juicy fruit in another month or so.
I'm so jealous! We've had so much going on (plus KS weather can be iffy even in April) I haven't gotten to my planting yet. Shooting for the first weekend in May.
Your pots look great and it sounds like L was quite a helper!
Happy (belated) Earth Day.
Way to rock the Earth Day, Abby!
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