Friday, April 27, 2012

Peace at Witching Hour

Moby wearing mama + Sound dampening headphones (from Linus's trip to the monster truck show) + the soothing sounds of the vacuum = How peace was found during one witching hour.*

(The clean rugs were an added bonus.)

*Witching Hour(s) - That time from 5 o'clock to bedtime where everyone is cranky, fussy, and tired but dinner and a 1,000 others things have to be accomplished.


Unknown said...

LOVE it!

Heidi said...

What is it with that time of day? The same is true for us at 5:30. Everyone is just getting home and eager to talk about their day (often all at the same time), dinner needs tending to, we try to squeeze in something fun, then before you know it it's bath and bed routine and oh my gosh we're pooped! Rinse and repeat. :)

Good for you for finding a moment of peace.

Amy said...

Glad you found a moment of "silence"!