Linus knows a surprising number of songs and lyrics. I say surprising because it is rare that we catch him in singing mode. Just today, while I was brushing my teeth, I overheard him singing "Jingle Bells". Although I will admit to having sung it a few times already this year, I can definitively say that it has not been more than 5 times. Which is why when I overheard him singing the entire chorus word for word I was shocked.
A few other songs in his repertoire include traditional toddler favorites "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Ring Around the Rosie", "Hokey-Pokey", and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". In addition to toddler songs, though, Linus knows all the words to "Seven Days of the Week (I Never Go to Work)" by They Might Be Giants, "Such Great Heights" his preferred version is Iron & Wine, and the first verse of "Frosty the Snowman".
Of course the song that most cracks me up to hear him sing is the "The Patience Song". This one should be burned into his little head for as often as I have to sing it to him while throwing lunch together. It's a song I learned from my Mother-in-Law who I'm certain sang more than her fair share of it with the still very impatient boy who is my husband.
The Patience Song
Have patience. Have patience.
Don't be in such a hurry.
When you get impatient, you only start to worry.
Remember. Remember that God is patient too.
And think of all the times when others have to wait on you.
Of course, my favorite part is at the end where Linus enthusiastically replaces the word 'you' with a giant 'ME!'
Click here to hear the song in case this little ditty could come in handy around your place.
Easy Sheet Cake Recipes
10 months ago
We used to have this on a 45 RECORD when I was little haha! And it's so great, they sing it normal and then at half-time so it's really deeeeep and creeeeeepyyyyy :-) I just sang it to Oscar the other day when he was screaming for more cheese in fact...
I love it. And I never knew all the words! Probably because Jonathan only sings the first 2 lines - I'm betting that's all he remembers.
How cute:) We have the "put your hands in your lap" song that always makes me giggle.
Love it! That is super cute.
I can't believe you know this. I had never heard of it until my MIL started singing it. It's fantastic though b/c singing along distracts him a bit and gives me about 30 more seconds before meltdown.
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