Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Little Things

Linus has become very aware of his surroundings. This awareness has really rubbed off on me. I tend to tune out many of my surroundings every day, but with Linus, I notice.

  • Airplanes- He hears them all flying overhead. When he hears one, he will excitedly wave his hand up in the air giving the sign for airplane insisting that I too stop and take note.
  • Birds- The other day I heard Linus in the living room giggling excitedly. Upon entering, instead of scolding him for standing on the back of the couch, I actually noticed what he was doing. Sitting next to Wednesday, Linus was gazing out the window bird watching. Every time a little chickadee or finch would jump from one sunflower to another, Linus would giggle with joy. It was enchanting to watch him watching.
  • Music- You know how NPR plays musical interludes? I never really paid them much attention before but now Linus dances. He dances every time one happens and I can't help myself, I dance too.
Here's my challenge to you: Notice something new today. Marvel at the common. It's a new day in America. Breathe it in!


Anonymous said...

I love NPR's musical interludes--I always try to figure the connection between song & story.

Mr. B always spots airplanes--he's got a freakishly good eye for it. Perhaps your babboo and he will be co-air traffic controllers one day?

Susie said...

I have been marveling at the color of the trees - the way that they look against the part gray, part blue sky... said...

And have you ever noticed how many balloons are in grocery stores? And how many have floated to the ceiling when their strings break loose?

A toddler will always remind you of balloons...