30 years today. Ugh. I have been dreading this day for almost the last 364 days. It is marked on my calendar as, "A dark, dark day." However, in honor of this momentous occasion I present to you a photo of myself age 3. I would have done an infant picture of me but they all have that crazy pink tone that all pictures from ye olde days have. You know like even the cameras were seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses. Ahh... the 70's.
Oh, screw it. Here ya go. The day I came home from the hospital because really it's more embarrassing for them then for me.
Geez, look how skinny my mom was after giving birth. I know I didn't come home after giving birth to Linus looking all svelte. Guess I didn't get that gene.
And since I'm feeling generous, here's that pic of me at age 3. Cute, huh?
Easy Sheet Cake Recipes
9 months ago
Abby in twenty years you will look back and think 30 was wonderful (and it is!) Enjoy your birthday. Terry B.
Happy Birthday Abby. I hope you have a wonderful day and cake!
Happy Birthday!! I thought the same thing about your mom in that picture... 13 months later I don't look that skinny!
Happy happy birthday! I love the pictures!
Hope you had a great Birthday!
Happy Birthday Abby!
Happy Birthday!! <:-)
Thank you everyone. You are all too sweet. I'm coming to terms with it slowly. My Death By Chocolate cake is helping.
Happy Birthday and Welcome to the 30's! It's all good! Hope your day is special! Love the pictures!
I hope you had a fantastic day! See you tomorrow (or actually today)...
Adorable! Sorry I'm late, but Happy Birthday!
My 30's have been my favorite time yet. I'm just sayin'
yes, you were cute! still are. love you, Mom
We were gone on the day of your birthday, but I wanted to share a perspective that I came to have--If I began to think negatively about birthdays and what was past, I remembered that my mother died at the age of 40 and missed out on the growing up of her daughters and getting to know her wonderful grandchildren. I have so much to be thankful for! A belated happy birthday to you--and I know that you have much to look forward to!
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