Oh sling, how I love thee. Let me count the ways...
1- You help me to get things done around the house when it seems there would be no other way.
2- You give me an excuse to not do things around the house (i.e. too dangerous to cut onions with baby attached).
3- You soothe my fussy baby like no other.
4- You allow me to travel around Target or any other favorite store without being tethered to a shopping cart.
5- You assist me in getting around the world's smallest Whole Foods without leaving destruction in my wake.
6- You help me to move from building to car in a rainstorm without baby or mommy becoming completely saturated because I can actually carry an umbrella and still maneuver baby.
7- A quick stroll is so easy because I no longer have to fumble with getting out, opening, and fastening a stroller.
And most importantly...
8- You allow me to feel secure in carrying my very squirmy baby whenever I want to snuggle him.
Oh yes, and Linus loves you too. He has been known to fuss when being removed from the sling. He loves it so.
(For fantastically stylish slings, go to http://www.nestbabysling.com/. They have a new Spring collection that is drool worthy.)
Easy Sheet Cake Recipes
8 months ago
Jeremy LOVED his sling as well. At night-time, I would call it the "unfair advantage". When I put him in it in the dark and sang "the old lady song", he didn't stand a chance to stay awake :-). We tried out so many different ways to wear him. We still have his very well worn, much loved, sling tucked away somewhere. The girls got new ones, and while they loved them too, neither as much as Jeremy did.
Enjoy wearing your baby. It can really be lots of fun for both of you.
Don't you love Nest? My boys were able to be models for the new Hatchlings slings they have for kids. So fun!
Thanks for stopping by, I don't know if you come back and check comments, so just thought I'd let you know I answered your question about the song! :)
love the nest sling!
her slings are beautiful. kinda pricey :-) but beautiful! is it comfortable? i love my kimzkreations.com sling. works better than me 98 dollar designer sling i got as a review. .. but its not as fancy looking
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